Escrow Services

Shoreline Property Management partners with to provide reliable, 24 hour access to all Association documents and important Association information for lenders, escrow and real estate agents, and homeowners in need of information for the Association’s Shoreline Property Management manages.

To submit your request, please visit If you are a first time user, please click the Sign Up Tab and follow the instructions on how to register. If you plan on using CondoCerts again, make sure to store your User ID and Password.

You will need to login with your User ID and Password to access the information you are seeking. You will need to follow the instructions below to find the “Association” you are looking for:

  • Sign into your account.
  • Click the "Place New Orders" button
  • Search for the Association by entering the Property Address ("Unit Address" Search) or by entering the Association name ("Association Name" search)
  • Select the transaction type and click "Search"

If you need further assistance regarding your request, please contact their Customer Service Department at (800) 310-6552.

If you would like to contact Shoreline Property Management’s Escrow Department, please call (831) 426-8013 Ext. 119.

*If your lender requires their own form, please follow the instructions on the CondoCerts website.

Is the Association FHA Approved?

If you would like to know if your Community Association is FHA approved, please visit the Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website at

California law obligates the Seller of real property to disclose specific information to a Buyer and to provide specific documentation within 10 days of a request. The responsibility to disclose does not rest with the Association's Board of Directors or Management Company. Shoreline Property Management personnel are specifically barred from speaking directly with a Buyer or a Buyer's agent. All questions and requests for documentation need to be made by the Seller or the Seller's agent. In the event the Seller is unable to answer a Buyer's question, the Seller can contact our office for assistance.

No information is provided verbally. All questions must be placed in writing and e-mailed or faxed (831) 426-0836 to our office. All inquiries will be handled promptly.


Association Management

Association Management

Experienced in the management of Planned Developments, Condominiums, Resident-Owned Mobile Home Parks and Professional Assoc­iations. Managing over 90 commun­ities ranging from less than 5 to greater than 390 units.

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Association Consulting

Association Consulting

Personal expert assistance on a one time or ongoing basis to identify solutions for your property needs.

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